Bought Me a Cat


This is a fun Farm Theme song with a jazz feel to it! We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


This is a fun Farm Theme song with a jazz feel to it! We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Bought me a cat, the cat pleased me, I fed my cat by the apple tree.

The cat said “fiddle-i-fee.”  

Bought me a hen, the hen pleased me, 

I fed my hen by the apple tree. The hen said “chimmy chuck chimmy chuck”

The cat said “fiddle-i-fee.”  

Bought me a pig, the pig pleased me, 

I fed my pig by the apple tree. 

The pig said, “Oinky toinky”

The hen said “chimmy chuck chimmy chuck”

The cat said “fiddle-i-fee.”  

Bought me a sheep, the sheep pleased me, 

I fed my sheep by the apple tree. 

The sheep said “Baa-aa”

The pig said, “Oinky toinky”

The hen said “chimmy chuck chimmy chuck”

The cat said “fiddle-i-fee.”

Bought me a cow, the cow pleased me, 

I fed my cow by the apple tree. 

The cow said, “Mooy, chewy”

The sheep said “Baa-aa”  

The pig said, “Oinky toinky”

The hen said “chimmy chuck chimmy chuck”

The cat said “fiddle-i-fee.”