Our Classes

Junior Jive provides holistic education for children from 4 months old

Each age group has specific aims to develop the child according to their developmental stage.

Is your child’s school including music and movement as a holistic tool for education?

If not, contact us today!

Baby Maestros

Our Junior Jive Baby Maestros are developing at a fast rate in this age group. Their motor development is a big focus in our curriculum. Babies start by learning to hold their head up, sit up, roll from side to side, and reach for objects. Then they learn to pull themselves up and eventually learn to balance and walk.

During this time, we focus on these motor developments through simple action songs and using percussion instruments suitable for the babies’ grasp. We have a sensory exploration activity to give the babies opportunities to explore textures and sounds. Singing is a great tool for calming babies down, developing listening skills and language skills. We focus on singing both a cappella and with backing music, emphasising vowel sounds and easy consonant sounds like “laaalaaa or dooo dooo.”


Maestros on the Move

Once our Junior Jive Maestros on the Move start walking, they tend to become wary of strangers. Our Junior Jive teacher spend a lot of time singing gentle songs and using props to help with their confidence. We focus a lot on inhibitory control in this stage, as the toddlers learn to be more confident in their motor skills. We enjoy learning the joy of music alongside our little Maestros!

Mini Maestros

We build our Mini Maestros’ confidence during our activities – focusing on all their little successes. We continue to focus on motor development, by making our activities energetic. We also include a lot more language development, as our maestros start communicating more fluently with us. We start working on social skills during the course of the year, as the maestros become aware of their peers. Mind Moves © are introduced in this age group to stimulate the whole brain with simple exercises and classical music.

Mini Maestro

Master Maestros

Our Master Maestros are gaining confidence in their motor and language abilities and so we focus more on social skills as well as music skills. Our Master Maestros love learning about music composers, and are keen to participate in new learning experiences. We have a lot of fun learning more complex hand positions on the zulu drum, as well dance moves to funky tunes.

Pro Maestros

At this age, the children are able to concentrate for longer and have a more developed fine motor co-ordination. We therefore focus on learning a specific instrument, like the glockenspiel, recorder or marimbas. Learning to play an  instrument also teaches other skills – like working as a team, pre-reading and mathematical skills.

Now your child is ready to use the skills they have developed at Junior Jive as a life skill.

Make sure YOUR child is enrolled today

Enrol for Junior Jive face to face classes or video classes here

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